Saturday, April 28, 2007

Baby Name Meaning

Baby Name Meaning. Judging by the vast number of baby name websites, people take the subject of naming their baby very seriously, which is as it should be. After all, their name stays with them their whole life usually, so best get it right!

The problem is, if you choose your baby name according to the meaning given in a typical 'list of baby name meanings' or in a baby name book, you are not given the personality traits of that name, just a very brief general description, sometimes this can be just one word. For instance, look up the meaning of the name Emma, and you will be told this name means 'all-containing' and 'universal'. Look up the name Paul in these lists and most come back with the meaning 'small' or 'little'. Ok! You are none the wiser about your child-to-be based on that! My opinion is that the lists provide invaluable inspiration by giving you a wide choice of names, but that is all.

However there is a scientific system that used to be used in ancient Egyptian times and in Hebrew countries, for the naming of the Royal Children. This system ensured that they would be given positive names that would help them have a well-balanced life. This ancient system reveals the full personality traits of any name and also looks at the meaning of the individual letters of a name. According to this system, the letters in our name affect what happens to us in our lives, for better or worse, according to whether a letter is positive or negative.

With this system of Name Analysis you would learn that the name Paul indicates a love of justice, someone who will fight other people's battles. It also indicates relationship problems, and suggests a person with too much nervous energy. These are just a few of the many qualities indicated with the name Paul, to give you an idea about how names affect our personality.

The letter P in Paul indicates 7 years of power and success at various ages (these can be exactly pinpointed in an analysis reading) with the possibility of ruin and bankruptcy also with this letter if they are not careful with their finances. The letter U brings 3 years of emotional and/or financial losses every 11 years.

The letter E in Emma brings 5 years of extremes at certain ages, and the M's bring change, sometimes very sudden change.

Look up the name Harry on most lists and it will give the meaning as 'home ruler' or something similar. How does that help you decide if that is the right name for your baby?! According to the ancient system of name analysis, the name Harry totals a positive number that gives leadership ability, excellent communication skills, strength of character and determination. Ideal careers include the armed forces, which is interesting when you look at Prince Harry's current career path, in the army. (This is just a small selection of the traits of that name). Even more interesting is the fact that the name William totals the same number...

However, the letters in the name Harry are a bit of a mixture of negative and positive. The H brings 8 years of stress and strain at various ages (initially from birth up to the age of 8), the 2 R's indicate 18 years of being very busy, active, rushing around a lot (initially from the age of 9 till 27) and the Y indicates 7 years of success at various times, initially at the age of 27 to 34. So, if you are thinking about the name Harry for your baby, it is important that your surname has positive letters to counteract the negative letters in Harry.

So, as you can see, there is a lot more to baby name meanings than most people are aware of! The name you give your little one will have a massive impact - it will affect not only their personality but also it will determine the events in your child's life.

about the author

I am a professional Name Analyst and do readings by email and post worldwide.

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