Monday, December 24, 2007

Tips on Naming Your Baby

Naming the new arrival in your family can be a trying experience. Here are a few hints to make your job easier.

Yashoda and her husband Gautam were overjoyed at the birth of their baby. They were deciding on their baby name. However, friends and members of the family soon swamped them with their suggestions. From parents to distant relatives, everyone had their own opinion. Gautam finally got so exasperated that he banned visitors from even bringing up the topic.

Naming your child can be a wonderful experience for both you and your husband. There is a special feeling when both of you sit down to pick out a name for the child you have created together. Choosing a name for your baby is also a serious decision. After all, the name you select will have an impact on your child and on you for the rest of your lives.

Think it Over

Always remember that your child has to live with his name for the rest of his life. Therefore, he should be named only after giving some thought to all the possible alternatives. Some parents like to wait until they have given birth before they think of choosing a name. Do remember that childbirth is a painful and exhausting process. In the moments just after you have given birth, are you sure that you are capable of taking a rational decision about your baby's name?

A woman is usually not very aware of her thoughts just after childbirth. Besides, what sounds cute at that time might very well turn out to be a mistake later on. For example, would you want your child to go through life being called Honeybunch?

Try it Out

Another point to remember is to try out how the entire name will sound when it is called out. A good name is always easy to pronounce. This is not just for other people but also for the child himself. Put the name and surname together to see if it can be spoken out easily. Sometimes, the name and surname put together may come out as a garbled mess, especially if they have the same syllables. Make sure you choose a name that can be clearly spoken.

A good way of testing out a potential baby name is to stand at the doorway of the kitchen and call out the name loudly, a few times. Pretend that your child is older and you are calling him for dinner. Does the name make you uncomfortable? If yes, think about how it will sound if you shout out your child's name while he is with a group of people. Select a name which both you and your child will be comfortable with, when you are out in public, a few years down the line.

Make it Short

Try to avoid choosing a name that is too long. Many parents give their children names that are three or four syllables long and are disappointed when other people shorten the name. If you give your child a long name, there is no doubt that at some point in his life, the child is going to have his name shortened. This sets a stage for your child to inherit potentially embarrassing nicknames. While a nickname need not remain with a person for the rest of his life, it could still put your child in a situation where he does not like his name. If you would still like your child to have a long name, pick one that is easy to pronounce.

Also take a look at your child's initials. Many parents give their child perfectly normal and innocent sounding names until the initials of each name are put together. Then they discover that the initials spell out something embarrassing. Such initials could be used to tease your child during his school years and sometimes, even later on.

Finding a suitable name for your child need not be a harrowing experience. It just needs some thought and a little careful consideration.

We have a HUGE searchable database of cool and unique baby names with meanings - Hindu, Muslim, Sanskrit, Urdu, and Jain names based on mythology sorted by Hindu rashi and easy for foreigners to pronounce.

About the author

India Parenting

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Baby Girl Names and the Meaning behind Them

Are you looking for a name for your new baby? If so, then you should know a little something about baby girl names and the meaning behind them. You may be a little surprised to learn the meaning of some of these names and it may also help you decide which one to choose if you know where the name originally came from.

Here are a few examples of names and their meanings that can be found at the top of the most popular girl baby name list that can help give you an idea of what to look for. Emma is one of the top choices for baby girl names. It originated from Germany and it means all containing, whole or being universal.

Emily was originally a Latin name that means rival or imitating. One meaning says to equal or excel another. Kaitlyn began as a Gaelic language and it simply means pure. Sophia originated as a Greek name and means wisdom.

There are many names with more than one origin and meaning. For example, Olivia originated from Latin and the meaning of it here is olive, which is very well know as being the symbol of peace. It also has an English origin which has the meaning elf army. It is possible for a girl baby name to have two origins and the same meaning in both.

In the past, the origin and meaning of a name was more significant than it is today. Many people looked at this very closely. Even though the meaning of names are not as important as they once were, it can still be beneficial to know the origin and meaning behind the name you choose for your baby.

Knowing where a name came from and the meaning of the names could help you make a decision when you are stuck between two names that you really love. You may really like the meaning of one of the names while you simply hate the meaning of the other one.

Aside from that, it is very interesting to know the meaning of the name you are giving your baby girl since it will be her name for the rest of her life. It is also interesting to look up the meaning of your own name and see just how close it reflects your personality.

When you are searching for the right name for your newborn, do some research on girl baby names and meanings to help you decide which one would be the best. It really can help you make a final decision.

About the author

About the Author: Mr. Miyagi, an Orange County Web Design Expert with interests including the popular Girl Baby Names.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Feel The Excitement Of The Baby Boy Names And Baby Girl Names From The Roaring 1920s

The 1920s came in with a roar and new parents chose baby boy names and baby girl names to match the excitement around them.

The war was over, and the "doughboys," or soldiers, were home again. Everyone cheered on every street corner. They had just been through the war to end all wars.

The lights on Broadway were brightly lit. The smash hit musical, "Show Boat" by Oscar Hammerstein and Otto Harbach was playing to packed houses. The air was filled with music. People were singing, "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man," and "Only Make-Believe."

Just down the lane, Eugene O'Neill's plays, "Desire Under the Elms" and "Beyond the Horizon" were pulling in the crowds.

Moms and dads chose good solid names for their babies that would serve them well in uncertain times. A couple of new entries that appeared on the list of the most popular baby names and their meanings are Richard and Donald. Among the 10 top baby boy names from 1920 to 1929, in order of popularity, were Robert, John, James, William, Charles, George, Joseph, Richard, Edward, and Donald. They are Christian saints' names. They are royal and stalwart names, and have strong protective power.

Robert (English) means "brilliant;" John (Hebrew) means "honorable;" James (English) means "steadfast;" William (English) means "staunch protector;" Charles (German) means "well-loved;" George (Greek) means "loving the land;" Joseph (Hebrew) means "supported by God;" Richard (Germanic) means "strong ruler;" Edward (English) means "defender;" and Donald (Scots Gaelic) means "world ruler."

The top baby girl names of 1920 to 1929 were happy-sounding names that fit the tenor of the day. At the same time, they were elegant and classical. Many were biblical names and names of saints. They were also royal names that stretched back for centuries. New entries include Betty, Catherine and Doris.

These names, in order of their popularity, are Mary, Dorothy, Helen, Betty, Margaret, Ruth, Virginia, Doris, Mildred, and Frances.

Mary (Hebrew) means "spiritual;" Dorothy (Greek) means "gift of God;" Helen (Greek) means "beautiful;" Betty (Hebrew) is the short form of "Elizabeth" from the 18th Century and means "God-loving;" Margaret (Greek) means "treasured pearl; Ruth (Hebrew) means "loyal friend; Virginia (Latin) means "purity" and is derived from the "Blessed Virgin Mary;" Doris (Greek) means "sea nymph;" Mildred (Old English) means "gentle;" and Frances (Latin) means "free spirit."

The 1920s that started out with so much hope and joy ended badly, though. In 1929, the bottom fell out of the stock market. The depression had begun. There were moments of brightness, however, such as Charles Lindbergh's solo flight across the Atlantic.

Children born in the 1920s were lucky to have such strong baby boy names and baby girl names. The names had a long history, and may have been meant to see the child safely through the tough times that were to come.

About the author

Find exciting baby names and their meanings at http// Benedict Manovill's name scrolls with paintings are in world collections. Claim your scroll and a free gift now. (c)Benedict Manovill. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Musical Baby Names

Music has become an important part in our daily life. Music will inspires and touches daily lives in any culture. Eventually, many parents will turn to music in finding the perfect baby names.

Musical baby names are more common on female baby names. The more common examples are Aria, Carol, Grace, Harmony, Jazz, Melody, Lyric, Rhapsody, Serenade, Sonata, Song, and Viola.

Aria is a solo opera performance. The single performer sings solo that is accompanied by an elaborate melody. The shorter version of Aria is Arietta which is also a pretty good musical baby name.

Carol is English and French baby name which is derive from Latin word Choraula or Greek word Choraules. In Latin, it means choral song, or accompanist. In Greek, it means chorus. Thus, the Choral and Chorale was derived. The common variants of Carol are Carola, Carolan, Carolina, Carolann, Carolanne, Caroline, Carole, Carolyn, Carolyne, and Carolynn.

Grace is a one of the virtuous baby names which made it thru the baby names. Grace is also derived from a Latin word Gratia. It means effortless beauty. We often attach Grace after an excellent performance from singers, bands, orchestras, choirs, or groups. The common variants of Grace are Gracelyn, Graciela, Gracious, Grata, Gracielle, Gracina, and Gracie.

Harmony means the notes, instruments, and lyrics that work in perfect coordination and timing. Originally, Harmony came from Latin. The common variants of Harmony are Harmonia, Harmonica, Harmonee, Harmonie, Harmoney, Harmoni, and Harmonita. In Greek Mythology, Harmonia is also a Greek goddess of order and daughter of Aphrodite.

The song consists of lyric, and melody. Eventually, Lyric and Melody has become a baby name. Lyrics are the actual words spoken on a song, while Melody is the sweet succession of sounds from a song.

The musical instruments play a big role on baby names. Like Viola, the baby name may have come from violin. Chime is another baby name meaning the edge of a drum. And, Rebec is a three string instrument that the body is pear-shaped and neck is slender.

The different rhythmic music pattern and sound also became baby names like Cadence (rhythmic flow of sounds in language), Carillon (sound of tuned bells), Euphony (sweet acoustic sound of words), Jazz (ragtime and blues music), Rhapsody (musical recitation of poems), Sonata (three to four movements in contrasting forms), Tala (traditional South Asian rhythmic pattern), and Madrigal (complex polyphonic sound of a voice in secular text).

The terms and notes on music inspire for cool and unique baby names. For example, Fermata is a musical baby name which means prolonged musical note.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, how to convert from male baby cames to female baby names, and origin of a baby name websites.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How To Convert From Male Baby Names To Female Baby Names

The predominant languages in the world are English, Chinese, Egyptian, Spanish, French, and Arabic. Those languages are widely spoken in many countries. We are going to teach how to convert male baby names to female baby names of the predominant languages in the world.

You will be able to convert most of the baby names, since English, Chinese, Egyptian, Spanish, French, and Arabic are widely spoken in many countries. It is helps to know the gender of the baby names. It is relief to know for beholder of the name that their name matches their own gender.

Egyptians add ET or IT at the end of the male baby names to convert to female baby names. For example, Nefer is a male baby name which means beauty. The female forms of Nefer are Neferet who is a popular Queen of Egypt. Another example, Pasherit is a female form of Pasher. Although most Egyptian baby names can be use for female or male, many baby names are convertible to female baby names.

As for Spanish baby names, the sound of letter A or letter A at the end of the baby names convert male baby names to female baby names. For example, Adriana, Carlita, Delfina, Elvira, Francisca, and Graciana are female forms of Adrian, Carlito, Delfin, Elviro, Francisco, and Graciano respectively.

The French adds letter E at the end of the male baby names to convert to female baby names. For example, Jeane, Jeanette, Jeanine, Jeanne, and Jenette are female baby names of Jean. It is derive from John which means Jehovah is gracious.

The Arabic speaking people adds the letter A or H to convert the male baby names to female baby names. For example, Abdullah, Bashira, Fatinah, Halimah, Jameelah, Myrna, Rahimateh, and Sharika are female form of Abdul, Bashir, Fatin, Halim, Jameel, Myrn, Rahim, and Sharik respectively.

The meaning of most Chinese baby names is general. It applies to female or male. So, most Chinese baby names can be used as female or male baby names.

English baby names have many origins. The names are culturally enriched. First, we must determine the origin. Then, we used the simple rules above.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, how to tell if baby names are female, and baby names analysis websites.

Monday, September 24, 2007

How To Tell If The Baby Names Are Female

Parents prepare a male and female unique baby names. Some baby names only apply to female baby. Although the medical advancement have improved to tell the gender, the gender is sometimes hard to tell. And sometimes, parents like to wait to keep the excitement.

At the first few weeks, it is too early to tell the gender of the baby. Doctors use ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby during the prenatal care. Now, a blood test may be able to tell the gender of the baby. However, many Doctors are questioning the ethics of the blood test at this time.

The ET and IT at the end of the Egyptian baby names signify a female baby names. For example, Neferet who was an Egyptian Queen is an Egyptian female baby name. Pasherit is another example. By the way, most Egyptian baby name can be applied to male or female.

The Spanish baby names that end with the letter A signify a female baby name. For example, Adriana, Beatrisa, Carlita, Delfina, Elvira, Francisca, Graciana, Isabella, and Julieta are female baby names. Spanish are spoken in many countries. So, many countries follow the same principle.

The French baby names that end with letter E signify a female baby name. For example, Jeane, Jeanette, Jeanine, Jeanne, and Jenette are female baby names of Jean. Jean is French baby name of John. Many countries follow the same principle, because French are spoken in many countries too.

The Arabic baby names that end with letter A or H signify a female baby name. For example, Abdullah, Bashira, Fatinah, Halimah, Jameelah, Laila, Myrna, Rahimateh, and Sharika are female baby names.

Chinese baby names can be applied to male or female baby, because the meanings of the baby name are general and vague.

Some origins of baby name are culturally enriched. In that case, the gender of the baby name is hard to tell. Unless you are really familiar with the language, the gender of the baby name is hard to tell.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, baby name analysis, and Arabic baby names websites.

Naming Your Baby: 5 Helpful Tips for Personalising Your Baby Naming Ceremony

Baby naming ceremonies, in one form or another, have a history practically as old as man. What is new are the original ideas new parents keep coming up with for the traditional baby naming ceremony.

Naming ceremonies are fulfilling and meaningful experiences to name and welcome a new baby. Some religious baby naming ceremonies offer a bit of flexibility. But many parents are designing their own naming ceremonies to suit their own personal tastes.

Whichever route you choose, you're guaranteed to have an unforgettable and creative baby naming ceremony when you include an Instant Photo Guest Book in the festivities. This distinctive combination photo album and guest book will capture your special event the Instant it happens, to enjoy immediately - and for years to come.

Here are 5 tips to help make your naming ceremony as unique as your precious new baby:

1. Naming Ceremonies Cross All Religious & National Boundaries

A baby naming ceremony is a great alternative to the traditional Christening. There are lots of options to personalise your naming ceremony. You can have it as formal or informal, religious, traditional or untraditional as you choose. Naming ceremonies range from traditional religious baby naming ceremonies like the Jewish baby naming ceremony) to having the naming ceremony conducted in the local registry office by a registrar to having a simple ceremony at home conducted by a family friend.

Hint: If the naming is taking place weeks or months after the baby is born, try to schedule it for a time of day when you know the baby will be at its most sociable and alert state. The last thing you want is a cranky guest of honour!

2. Baby Naming Ceremony - A Celebration for All Family & Friends

Your baby's godparents (also referred as mentors or even 'odd-parents') deserve a special place of honor at the baby naming ceremony, but keep in mind that all family relationships and friendships are deepened with the naming ceremony celebration. Your wider circle of family and friends usually enjoys these unique ceremonies because baby naming ceremonies stem from the concept that each adult present at the ceremony is in part responsible for the care of the child.

Hint: To include all the guests as special participants at your baby naming ceremony, go around the room and take Polaroid photos of your guests. Then have them write a personal wish for the baby's future on a page of your Instant Photo Guest Book.

3. Jewish Baby Naming Ceremonies

In Judaism, a newborn boy's naming is a religious ceremony called a brit mila meaning ritual circumcision. This takes place the eighth day after the baby's birth. Designing a Jewish baby naming ceremony for a girl, a simchat bat (birth celebration for a girl) is more flexible as there's no "official" ceremony to perform. It's traditional for Jewish babies (boys and girls alike) to be named for a deceased family member. This keeps lost loved ones "present" for the next generation.

Hint: Many Jewish families use only the first letter of the name they're memorializing, such as Hannah for Grandpa Herb or Stephen for Aunt Sarah. When guests make entries in your Instant Photo Guest Book, ask them to include a meaningful word starting with the first letter of the baby's new name.

4. Naming Significance - Announce & Explain the Names That Have Been Chosen

Choosing the name of the new baby is not a simple task. In some cultures the name of the parent or a respected friend or relative is given to the child. Other cultures and Jewish baby naming ceremonies give the name of a deceased relative to honor the memory of the ancestors. In other cultures, the religious elders are consulted to provide a name that will bring good fortune to the child. No matter what method is used, the choice of the given name is important. The naming ceremony serves to identify this new baby as someone who exists as a unique individual - with a name that has meaning. Often, the meaning of the name is explained as part of the ceremony.

For example, Emily, which means eager or industrious, has held its own as one of the most popular girls' names since 1880. Michael is another classic, derived from Hebrew and meaning "a gift from God." What could be better?

Hint: Prior to the baby naming ceremony, pick a close friend or family member. Allowing plenty of time, ask them to prepare the naming presentation and be sure to add this entry to your Photo Guest Book album as a keepsake for memories long after the naming ceremony is over!

5. Baby Naming Ceremony - Accepting the Invitation

Understanding the significance of being an attendee to a baby naming ceremony, next time you are asked to attend a naming ceremony, you will respond with the knowledge that you are following a tradition that goes back to the dawn of mankind. You are the recipient of a special honor and carry a special responsibility to share in the nurturing of a new life!

Hint: If you are attending a family or special friend's baby naming ceremony, volunteer to be the one who creates the Instant Photo Guest Book Album. Be in charge of taking the Polaroid pictures and getting all the guests to write their personal sentiments and then present it as a special gift to the parents the instant the celebration is over!

About the author

Helen Rankin, Founder of Instant Forever - helps you capture your baby memories forever. Instant Forever's Adesso Album is the only guest book alternative for UK and European families to capture their baby naming ceremony in an Instant in both pictures and words. Capture your naming ceremony instantly and preserve it Forever with a

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Naming Your Baby - How To Sort Through The Options

For some expectant parents, naming their baby is easy and straightforward. Some parents have had a name in mind for many years. Some may have already decided the baby is going to be named after members of the family. For some it's simply the case that they know of a name they like and would love to give to their child.

For other parents, finding a name is rather more complex. With the Internet being a great source of information on just about anything under the sun, there are many places where one can look at lists of information on names - popularity, origin and meaning, even names of celebrities if a parent feels inspired to name their newborn after someone they admire.

But how to choose? With the existence and popularity of the Internet, as well as society becoming more multi-cultural, the variety of possible names is so large that it can be overwhelming.

And, another question that is often asked is how many names to go for?

This matter is easier to solve than the first. When children grow up, they tend to love having more than one name. I recommend that unless there is good reason to just have the one name, I'd consider giving your child at least one more. After all, it's a special gift they can cherish for the many years to come.

I would recommend two to four names. Again, unless there is a good reason for more, I think four is a reasonable "limit". Any more than that and it gets difficult for a growing child to remember their full name.

Choosing the name, or names, can be a bit complex, but there are some pieces of advice I can give you.

- If there are a few names you are considering, see how well those names work with the child's surname. Some names work together, some don't. By trying out the various combinations, you will soon see what works.

- Although there is a trend for unusual first names, especially amongst celebrities, I would not recommend going for any name that just looks like someone stuck some random syllables together. This probably goes without saying, but the trend did come from somewhere and the children given those names will have to live with them. What may sound cute now may go out of fashion. It's better to choose a beautiful name with a true meaning.

- The same goes for naming children after current celebrities. In some cases this works, in some cases it doesn't, so I wouldn't recommend this option without due consideration.

- There are some names that have lasted through the ages, and that have still not lost their popularity. Names like Michael and David, Hannah and Sarah, are often considered strong names that work well. It's easy to look up popular names online.

- Some people hear a name and envision a personality they associate with that name. It can be fun and helpful to do this. What do you think of when you hear the name Sarah? This is just an example, but it can offer practical help.

- If you have a special bond with a member of your family, or a friend, you could consider their names for your child. Usually this goes for a second or third name. It's an honour to have a baby named after you. And a name chosen in this manner will often endear the child to those members of your family and friends even more.

- If you would like an unusual name for your baby, but you aren't too sure if it will work for a first name, you could always add it as a second or third name as well, or even a fourth. This way your child has the choice of using it when they grow up, when one decides what they like to be addressed as.

These are just a few pointers, but I hope they have given you some inspiration and perhaps eased your search a little. Good luck! I'm sure you will find the perfect name for your baby.

About the author

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.

Monday, September 10, 2007

How to Avoid Baby Name Disasters

What's in a name? A lot more than some people might think. After all, a child's life may not be impacted by being named "Mark Maas" but would the same be true if he were named "Pete Maas"? The following are a list of things one should think about before assigning a child a name they will have to live with for the next eighteen years.

1.) Cute doesn't last forever.

Cute baby names aren't so cute once they aren't babies. As a matter of fact, according the Social Security Administration of the US, the name "Baby" has been one of the top 1000 baby names for the past fourteen years.

So, what wrong with cute names like "Baby" or "Chance"? The thing people tend to overlook is that at some point these children grow up. You are less likely to be taken seriously on a professional level if your name sounds like a nickname one would use for an infant or pet poodle. I imagine many of the girls named "Baby" find themselves before a judge to have it changed as soon as they are legally able to.

2.) Pun names aren't funny.

Some parents think it's clever or funny to name their child a rhyme or pun such as "Candy Kane" or "Holly Wood". There is nothing that makes a child a potential target at school quicker than having an obvious gag name. Avoid the temptation and your child will thank you for it later.

3.) Just because some stars do it, doesn't mean you should.

We all know that over in Tinsel Town folks come up with some pretty unusual baby names for their kids. Let's face it; stars are known to jump on the band wagon for bad trends. Even with the advantage that their parents' notoriety offers, you better believe that it still won't completely shield those children from being teased on the playground.

You simply can not name your child "Fifi Trixibell" and not expect them to have one strike against them the minute they first walk through the doors of Junior High. You may as well just paint a target on their forehead.

4.) Mizzpelled names aren't Kool.

If you are going to give your child a classic name but want to add a little special something by changing the spelling around, please do not maul the word so badly that no one is able to recognize it. If you are considering adding an "X" and a "Q" to the name Leon or Anne, you can bet that no one would be able to sound it out. After a certain point misspelled names stop looking artistic and start looking outlandish. Creating a confusing name for your child isn't doing them any favors.

Remember when in doubt ask yourself: Would I be embarrassed if I were named this? Would kids have teased me for this name back when I was in school? Would he/she be taken seriously in a professional setting with this name? Does it flow well with his/her last name? While ultimately we all have our own style, we must always remember that it's our children who have to live with our choices. So be sure to factor them into your decision.

About the author

Dawn Sholun is a Work at Home Mom living in Connecticut with her two beautiful little girls. Her current focus is on her online community at that features free blogs, WAH job listings and more for Moms!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Naming a Newborn - Numerology, Predestination & Synchronicity

In our opinion, the best way to select the most appropriate name for a baby is to remove any ego-self from the equation. What we mean is that you need to "get out of the way," and let the name come to you. Whatever name feels best is the most fitting name.

If you are expecting, and if you haven't been already, soon you'll be inspired with a wonderful name. After you decide on the name, then perhaps you can get into the name numerology to learn more about the soul that you are welcoming.

At the same time, according to the theory of predestination, whatever method you decide on in selecting the baby's name and whatever you decide to name it, the baby will always have the most appropriate name. This means that nobody misnames a baby, even if a "mistake" is made on the birth certificate. Some people don't like their birth names. From numerologists' point of view, this is a subtle form of self-hate. Some people who don't like their names may have hidden self-rejection having to do with past life circumstances, as reflected in the charts.

How does each soul go to the right body? According to life- between-life research by Dr Michael Newton, there exists a synchronicity in our Universe and there are no accidents or mistakes. In other words, a soul is always born into the most appropriate body for the lessons and karma it needs to experience. This is all planned out by our higher-selves long before we incarnate.

Two schools of thought exist in naming a baby: naming the baby whatever feels most right, or attempting to attract a soul that matches what you want in a name. We feel the first method is best, but perhaps whatever method used is predestined, no matter how it may unfold.

Translations for letters to numbers are below: ajs = 1 bkt = 2 clu = 3 dmv = 4 enw = 5 fox = 6 gpy = 7 hqz = 8 ir = 9

Example: Jon Allen Smith =>

j/1 + o/6 + n/5 = 12/3 (fadic addition: 12/3 => 1+2 = 3) a/1 + l/3 + l/3 + e/5 + n/5 = 17/8 s/1 + m/4 + i/9 + t/2 + h/8 = 24/6

Adding the totals from each part of the full name => 3 + 8 + 6 = 17/8

The Full Name Total is 8.

The Full Name Total is one of many important aspects in the numerology charts. It's associated with, among other things, a person's abilities.

Which number is best? There is no best number. Each number represents sets of distinct energies; energies that are balanced, over-balanced, or under-balanced.

Each position in the numerology charts represents different personality or predictive features. Some are linked more strongly with personality challenges, some with talent, some with innate desires, some with persona, some with timing, etc.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

About the author

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980's. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring Psychic.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sensational Baby Boy Names And Baby Girl Names From The Daring 1900s

The 20th Century had just started and baby boy names and baby girl names reflected the hopes and dreams for a prosperous era. The romance of the 1890s lingered on and new parents felt upbeat about the future.

Baby names often take on the flavor of the times. In 1904, the musicals by George M. Cohan had everyone singing "I'm a Yankee Doodle Boy," and "Give My Regards to Broadway." "Mamzelle Champagne" was pulling in the crowds at the Madison Square Theater on Broadway. The mood was light-hearted, and may have been responsible for the musical-sounding names of the times such as Bertha, Rose, Marie, and Harry.

From 1900 to 1909 there was a mood of daring in the air and unrest around the world. There were stirrings of revolution in Russia and full-blown revolution in Panama. The Victorian era came to an end in 1901 with the death of Queen Victoria, one of the last great monarchs.

But good times were here as well. In 1903 the Wright brothers made their first successful flight. In 1904, construction started on the Panama Canal. And in 1905, Albert Einstein and renowned physicist and mathematician Mileva Maric, set the world on fire with the Theory of Relativity. The 10 top baby boy names from 1900 to 1909, in order of popularity, were John, William, James, George, Robert, Joseph, Frank, Edward, and Thomas. They were strong names and all were names of saints.

John (Hebrew) means "honorable;" William (English) means "staunch protector;" James (English) means "steadfast;" George (Greek) means "loving the land;" Charles (German) means "well-loved;" Robert (English) means "brilliant;" Joseph (Hebrew) means "supported by God;" Frank (short for Francis) comes from the Latin and means "free spirit;" Edward (Anglo-Saxon) means "defender;" and Thomas (Aramaic) means "twin."

As for the top baby girl names of 1900 to 1909, they, too, were powerful yet lyrical names that would have been found in most of the songs of the day. Just saying these beautiful names makes your heart sing. They are the names of saints, empresses, queens, painters and poets.

These names, in order of their popularity, are Mary, Helen, Margaret, Anna, Ruth, Elizabeth, Dorothy, Marie, Florence, and Mildred.

Mary (Hebrew) means "spiritual;" Helen (Greek) means "beautiful;" Margaret (Greek) means "treasured pearl;" Anna (Greek-Latin form of "Hannah") means "loving;" Ruth (Hebrew) means "loyal friend;" Elizabeth (Hebrew) means "beauty;" Dorothy (Greek) means "gift of God;" Marie (French) means "spiritual;" Florence (Latin) means "flowering blossom;" and Mildred (Old English) means "gentle."

The first decade of the 20th Century ended the way it started - on a high note. The era of the motor car was just around the corner. People had jobs and they had food on the table. The future looked bright.

The wonderful baby boy names continued into the next decade unchanged. The musical baby girl names even added a few new names in the 1910s.

About the author

Benedict Manovill is a leading name historian and calligrapher. His works are in collections around the world. His custom-made name scrolls are a unique and treasured gift. To learn about your own name, visit his Web site at

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Emperor Names For Baby

The popularity of the Emperor makes the Emperor name a favorite for baby boy name. Parents admire the personality, achievements, and leadership of the Emperor. He is a male ruler who rules a powerful empire. Here are nine popular Emperor Names which are often used as baby names.


He is a Roman Emperor. His name was a variant of Hadrian. The name is an English baby name which was derived from the real name of Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus. Adrian is one of the popular English, German, Russian, Polish, and Romanian baby names. Actually, Adrian has a Latin origin which is from Latin word Hadria. It is another spelling Adria City in Veneto region of Northern Italy.


He is the first holy Roman Emperor. He is often refers to Charles the Great. The real name is Charlemagne. It literally means Charles the Great in Latin. Charlemagne is from Latin word Carolus Magnus which means Charles the Great.


The baby name was derived from Claudius. He is the fourth Roman Emperor who succeeded Caligula. His disability saves himself from purges of Tiberius and Caligula. After Caligula was assassinated, he became the only male survivor with royal blood. He is the next in line. And, he became the Roman Emperor. Claude is an English baby name which means lame.


He is the first Christian Roman Emperor. He is more commonly known as Constantine I or Constantine the Great. Constantine is from the Latin word Constans. It means constant or steadfast.


Czar is sometimes spelled as Tsar, Zar, and Ceazar. Czar and Zar are the English variations which refer to the monarchs. In European, Czar is equivalent to Emperor. In Russia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, Czar is equivalent to supreme ruler or king. Typically, Czar, Ceazar, Tsar, and Zar are Slavic baby names which mean supreme ruler, king, or emperor.


The name is one of the variations of Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus. He is another Roman Emperor who is a gifted writer and architect.


Napolean Bonaparte is a soldier who work his way to general. He became Emperor of France as well as King of Italy, Mediator of Swiss Confederation, and Protector of Rhine Confederation. Napolean is an Italian baby name which means from Naples, Italy. Napolean is also a Greek baby name which means lion of the valley.


The baby name is short for Titus Flavius Vespasiamus who is the Roman Emperor. He belongs to the Flavian Dynasty. He succeeded Vespasian who is his father. Titus is a Greek baby name which means of the giants.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, female baby names, and male baby names websites.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Baby Boy Unusual Names: Adaptations of Traditional Names

Did you know that there is a certain tacit convention for boys to be endowed with traditional baby boy names more often than the case is with the names of baby girls? Names like Roger, Samuel, William, Raymond, Jeffrey or Edward, no matter how long-established, are still the choice of many mothers and fathers when it comes to choosing a baby boy name.

Nonetheless, the younger generations of parents do tend to adopt baby boy unusual names or unusual name combinations for their boys. In spite of the fact that deep-rooted baby boys names have the advantage of being known by almost everybody, parents who opt for less customary names do it to escape conventions. It is probably your case as well.

Are you looking for a manner of saying that your son's name is as special as your son himself?

Then you probably have assumed as true the fact that, to a certain extent, his name will come to represent your son and the other way around. Certainly, a baby boy name like Christian sounds beautiful for you as well, but you want something else. Why not try variations? It works like the adaptation of a well-liked tune and it works marvelously. For instance, you can give Christian an unusual turn by spelling it in a less predictable way; let's say Kristian or Kristi-Ian, while you have changed nothing in its pronunciation.

Custom Variations

Also, you can choose baby boy unusual names with Oriental variations, such as Ian turned into Ean is. Of course, opting for a completely foreign name, for instance Suraj, can cause confusions, so let's keep the unusual baby boy names at the level of adaptations of a traditional name for a baby boy or at the level of their similarity in pronunciation. This way you will be able to come to an agreement with both your relatives and your preferences. It is the middle-way and probably the best one if the rest of your family is as important to you as your own preferences are. Moreover, it is securing your baby boy with a name that other children won't find difficult to pronounce.

About the author

Meredith Schine is a proud mother of two, Zack and Guy. She is also known for her unique baby gift ideas and her special way of thinking about baby boy names. Visit her webpage to read more about unique baby boy names and gifts ideas.

Top 100 Baby Names - Get a Baby Name for your Tax Dollars

Summary: How to use and peruse the amazing free database of U.S. baby names at the Social Security Administration - easily find the most popular names for any year or decade at this powerful but easy website.

A Giant, Free & Official Baby Name Web Database

Since virtually all new born babies in the U.S. are soon registered with the Federal government's Social Security Administration (SSA), this branch of the government collects the single best database of actual baby names used in the U.S. This database is available for free at a SSA website and is both surprisingly easy and fun to use - in other words, a great resource for top 100 baby names. Top 100 Baby Names - Most Popular Names

Did you know that the top 3 boy names in 2006 were Jacob, Michael & Joshua, and top 3 girl names were Emily, Emma & Madison? Well, maybe you did, but how about the top 3 in 1960, or 1890?

Want to know the 1960 and 1890 top names? I'll tell you in a moment, but then read on to learn how to find and use the database yourself to find top 100 baby names, so you can see the top 50 or even top 1000 names for any year or decade. You can even see them listed by state.

Okay, here you go: the top 3 names in 1960 for boys were David, Michael and James, and for girls were Mary, Susan and Linda; the top 3 names in 1890 for boys were John, William and James, and for girls were Mary, Anna and Elizabeth.

Finding the SSA Baby Name Database

It's easy to find the database and get your top 100 baby names, just type into your browser's address bar, or you can search for the database - in Google the SSA database website comes up #1 when you search for 'social security baby names'.

Using the Database

The database is surprisingly easy to use. Our government should get thanks for providing such a friendly service for top 100 baby names. The main page at gives you four different searches you can perform.

1. Popular Names by Birth Year - this report lets you see the top names for one year, and you can ask for the exact statistical data (percent of total births or number of births) to be shown for each name. This is the report to use for top 100 baby names. 2. Popularity of a Name - this report lets you see how the popularity of a name has changed over time. For instance, type in 'Michael' and ask to see it over 100 year time span, and you'll see how it ranked each of the last 100 years. In fact 'Michael' was not so popular 100 years ago (it was #48 in 1907), but it was the number 1 most popular boy name every year but one from 1954 through 1998 - quite a streak! 3. Top 5 names by State - this report is really fun? Do they use different names in Alabama than they do in Maine? You bet! Select a year and see the top 5 names for each of the 50 states. You can also click on a link to see the top 100 names by state. 4. Top 1000 names by decade - just pick a decade and you'll see the top 1000 names averaged across the entire decade. This is your 'big picture' view.

For each of these searches you just fill in 1 or 2 fields and click on the Go button.

Tips on Printing & Copying

If you want to print out a page of top 100 baby names, a useful tip is to select just the names or the table of names you want and then in your browser's print dialogue choose 'Selection' -- the browser will only print the highlighted selection. Or you can just print the entire webpage - they seem to come out nicely formatted. You can also select names or an entire table and copy it to your clipboard (Ctrl-C in Windows) and then paste it into a word processor.

Some excellent related resources include:

Free baby shower planning

Top 100 baby names

Best wedding planner

About the author

Jeanne has a passion for all things baby names. Some favorite web resources include: Free babyname lists

Baby girls names list

Baby boys names list

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Indian Baby Boy Names: A Comprehensive Popular Inventory

If you are in search of popular Indian baby boy names, you will be happy to find out that there is a comprehensive inventory of such baby boy names. We will talk only about several of them, but you may be sure that there are hundreds of more names which could suit your preferences.

One important thing about the top choices of mothers and fathers is that both resonance and meaning seem to weigh a lot in the fondness for Indian baby boy names. Subsequently, you will see with your own eyes and also sift through your own liking those unusual baby boy names whose meanings encircle notions of light, divinity, luck and blessing.

Let's Get Started

Two acclaimed Indian boy names are: one, Deven, and the other one, very close in meaning to the first, Devante. Their meanings both make reference to divine natures, the first one meaning "god" while the second one stands for "blessed, heavenly". Sameer and Arjun, two names with strikingly Oriental resonances, mean "light wind" and, correspondingly, "white"; so, once again, connotations centering on positive, constructive characteristics. For instance Ean's resonance resembles those of Ian and Jan, stands for "awaited, expected".

Personalize It

Be constructive yourselves and dare consult the comprehensive inventory of Indian Baby boy names; but always keep in mind that you must be careful about the baby name you choose. Be sure, first of all, that an Indian first name or middle name is compatible with your own - and your child's, subsequently - first name, so that you avoid combinations which could sound odd and even hilarious.

In addition, a more common middle name accompanying an Indian baby boy first name could spare your son a lot of difficulties in his first years of school attending. Spelling is often unconventional in the case of these names and a more conventional middle name, harmonizing in resonance and meaning with the Indian first name, could prove helpful in class, when name games are played or when test papers are taken. The bonus is given by an inventory so comprehensive of Indian baby boy names that it is practically out of the question not to find one you like.

About the author

Meredith Schine is a proud mother of two, Zack and Guy. She is also known for her unique baby gift ideas and her special way of thinking about baby boy names. Visit her webpage to read more about unique baby boy names and gifts ideas.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Flower Baby Names

Flowers beautify the garden, house, and room. The male gives flowers to female to gain affection from her. As we like to beautify our environment, we also like to beautify our baby. So, we sometimes name the baby with name of the flowers.

Flower means blooms or blossoms. The main function is to reproduce. The pollens in the flowers spread to produce more flowers. In trees, the fruit starts as flowers. After the flowers fertilize, the flowers turns into a fruit. In the fruit, you will see seeds for the next generation of trees.

Humans have used flowers for hundreds of years. The flowers have been in our culture like wedding ceremony, Christenings ceremony, home decoration, funeral flowers, and gift giving. The wedding flowers intensify the beauty of the wedding dresses with flowers in corsages, boutonnieres, hairclips, and bouquet.

The flower baby names are coming back in popularity. For example, Rose, Blossom, Dahlia, Rosemary, Daisy, Flora, Heather, Hyacinth, Iris, Ivy, Jasmine, Lily, Rhoda, and Violet have risen in popularity.

Rose is a German baby name which means fame. Although Rose is usually associated with Rosa, Rose is actually from German origin. Rosa is from a Latin word. The variants of Rose are Rosemary, Rosalind, Rosanne, and Rosario.

Blossom is an English baby name which means fresh. The baby name was popular in the 20th century.

Dahlia is the national flower of Mexico. Anders Dahl from Sweden brought the flower to Mexico. The flower has bold and vibrant colors.

Daisy is another English baby name which means eye of the day. The florist uses the daisies to brighten the wedding. The daisy has a yellow center with white petals all around.

Like the Lily, the flower gives classic beauty and romance to the baby names. Often, the florists like to use Calla Lilies and Casa Blanca Lilies in an enchanting wedding. Lily is an English baby name which is a symbol of innocence, purity, and beauty.

Rhoda is one of the biblical baby names. In the holy bible, Rhoda serves the Christ disciples. In Greek, Rhoda means rose.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, ancient greek baby names, and saint names for babies website.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saint Names For Babies

Parents choose saint names for their babies. It is believe that the saint names control the destiny of the baby such as meaningful life, career, and relationships. By faith, the saint acts as a patron or guide throughout life of an individual.

The saint names are given to babies in baptism on Catholic Church. The baptism which is a religious ceremony purifies the babies and signifies Christian membership. Using the holy water, the religious minister purifies the baby.

In many countries, they celebrate the saint day as the birthday of the baby. Sometimes, the parents choose name the baby with the saint on the actual birthday. And, the family celebrates the saint day and birthday at the same time.

The act of using saint names started on earliest Christianity. The Canon Law in 855 states to stay away from names that is outside the scope of Christianity. The Canon Law is a legal system of the Roman Catholic Church which includes courts, judges, and lawyers.

The Christian baby name began in the pagan days of the Europe. The Pagans converted into Christianity thru baptism. Thereby, the Pagans drop the Pagan names for biblical baby names.

In 325 AD, the Roman Catholic Church prohibits the pagan names like Marcus and Diana. Marcus is a Spanish baby name which means warlike. On the other hand, Diana is a French baby name which means Greek Goddess of the moon.

In 1545 AD, the Roman Catholic Church ordered the use of saint names mandatory in Roman Catholic baptism.

In 1600 AD, the Protestants reject the Catholic saint names. The Protestants are another sect of Christianity with different beliefs from the Roman Catholic. Needing a baby name on Christian baptism, the Protestants use the names from the Old Testament of the Holy Bible such as Elijah and Joshua. Elijah and Joshua are baby names meaning Jehovah is God and God is salvation respectively.

To be saint is a tough act to follow. First, the candidate must perform at least two miracles. Second, the candidate must have good personality. Third, the candidate must have supernatural influence. However, the act of martyr also leads to sainthood.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, origin of baby names, and female baby names website.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Baby Names From Great Women Rulers Part II

The great women rulers have ruled ancient and modern civilizations for centuries. Rulers are pre-dominant men. When women rule a kingdom or civilization, the women serve as an inspiration to many. Therefore, the names of the women ruler become the favorite baby names on their time.


Her reign spans between 1542 and 1587. At the age of six days old, she became of the Queen of Scotland. She married King Francis II who past away the next year. So, she went back to Scotland. In Scotland, she faced several scandals and controversy which lead to revolts. The revolts forced her to flee to England. However, Queen Elizabeth saw her as a threat to her throne. After Queen Mary was implicated to another series of scandals, she was executed.

Mary is a baby name which comes from Hebrew. It is a baby name which means bitter. As the Christianity spreads in Scotland, Mary rises in popularity as Scottish baby name.

Elizabeth I

Her reign spans between 1533 and 1603. Beating the odds, she managed to become a Queen of England. She was responsible to strengthening of the currency, promoting the capitalism, turning the court into learning center, and defeating the Spanish invaders on 1588. Eventually, she turned England as a powerful force in Europe of commercial and intellect.

Elizabeth is a Hebrew baby name which means may God is bountiful. In the holy bible, Elizabeth is the mother of John the Baptists. And, Elizabeth is one of the most frequently used English baby names.


As the Queen of Nigeria, she ruled from 1560 to 1610. Her greatest achievements are building of defensive mud walls, opening of trade routes to the south, and enriching Nigeria with gold and cola nuts.

Amina is an Arabic baby name which means trustworthy. In African-American, Amina means ready to battle. Jessamina and Jamina are a French and African-American baby names variation of Amina.

Mbande Nzinga

As the Queen of Angola, she ruled from 1582 to 1663. She ruled a guerilla army to resist the Portuguese and conquer the Kingdom of Matamba. With the Dutch alliance, she prevented the Portuguese advancement. Although she accepted a peace treaty with the Portuguese, she continued to reject the Portuguese advancement.

Catherine the Great

Originally, Catherine came from Germany to Russia. In 1729, she married the Duke Peter. The unpopularity of Duke Peter leads to his demise. With help of his unpopularity, she had overthrown him. Suppressing the Polish with her autocratic rules, the Polish with Crimea and parts of black sea separates from Russia.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, baby names meaning, and ruler baby names website.

Baby Names From Great Women Rulers Part I

The great women rulers are often admired for their wits, courage, kindness, and influence. As a result, the parents often use their names as baby names. Here is a list of great women rulers.


She ruled as Queen of Egypt on 15th century BC (before Christ). And, she was one of the earliest ruler baby names. Her legacy was remembered to promote the trade and arts, and build the Dei El-Basri Temple.


She was the beautiful Queen of Egypt on 14th century BC. In fact, her sculpture shows the lasting beautiful. At first, she worshipped and honored Aten religion. Later, she changed her religion to Amon who is God of the sun.


She ruled as Queen of Assyrians on 9th century BC. She battled for control of Babylonia which expanded control to surrounding lands. Using the Euphrates River, she irrigated the Tigris. During her reign, she also restored the vibrant Babylon which is capital of Babylonia.


She was highly educated in Philosophy and international relations. And, she ruled as Queen of Egypt on 69 to 30 BC. Losing slowly the grip of her crown and country, she teamed up with Julius Caesar. Finally, Mark Anthony of Rome financed the battle of Octavian for her. In spite of all the finance and protection, she still lost the battle. Even though she was unsuccessful as a Queen, Cleopatra remains one of the most popular ruler baby names.

Eleanor of Aquitaine

She was the Queen of France and England on 1122-1202. When she married King Louis VII of France, she became the Queen of France. Her marriage falls apart. Then, she married Henry II who became the King of England. She worked hard to maintain control of Southern France, and manage her children and grand children on her entire life.

Joan of Arc

In spite of being born by peasant family, she leads the French army over the English, and takes control of New Orleans. The Burgundians captured Joan in which England paid for her release. Later, she was tried for counts of fraud and witchcraft. However, Joan can only be guilty of wearing of male clothes which is a crime in the old days.

Isabella I of Castille

By the way, Isabella is a Spanish baby name which means God of plenty. After she married Ferdinand of Aragon on 1469, she ruled the whole Spain with her husband. She implemented the policy to deter the rebels against her, reduced the bureaucracy of the government, and promoted the scholarship program. Gained control of Andalusia, she expelled the 170,000 Jews in the area. And, the Granada which was the last remaining territory of the Moors was conquered together with Ferdinand. Unfortunately, Isabella and Ferdinand were expelled from Spain on the end.

Catherine De Medici

Catherine is an Anglo-Saxon baby name which means innocent. Catherine was originally from Florence, Italy and Medici family. She ruled as Queen of France after she married Henri Duke of Orleans. Then, Henri Duke became the King of France. She was instrumental to bring the Italian culture to France, and reconcile the Christians and Protestants. The peace between Christians and Protestants shattered after the massacre of 1,570 Protestants. The general public was outraged. At the same time, the general public blamed her.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, brave baby names, and baby names meaning.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

How to name your baby girl according to the bible

Choosing the right baby name for your new born baby girl is no easy task. Many prefer baby names rooted deep in history and culture, which bares a significant meaning and heritage. Some of the most traditional and common names are taken from the main historical characters in the Bible. This phenomenon is not only amongst religious people, but can be found world wide, in different cultures and all layers of society. Some of the reasons for choosing a Biblical name:

· Religious families, or families with a religious background will certainly prefer a name associated with their tradition. · Many believe the chosen name will reflect upon their child's life and character, hence might choose a name associated with great virtues such as the beautiful Rachel, generous Rebacca queen Athtalia, or Sara - the first mother of Israel. · Biblical names usually have a well known and international meaning, although they might be found in different variations. · Biblical names are common and popular, therefore they are easily written, and pronounced.

Here you will find the meanings of some of the most common names given after dominant women in the Bible.

Rachel - One of the four mothers of Israel. Her story appears in the book of Bereshit (Genesis). She is the daughter of Lavan, Leah's younger sister, wife of Jacob, and mother of Josef and Benjamin. Rachel is considered mother of sons, the mother of the Israeli tribes. In the book of Genesis Rachel is the preferred sister in the eyes of Jacob, and he works for 14 years for her father to gain the right to marry her.

Rebecca - Known in Hebrew as Rivka, Rebecca is the second of the four mothers of Israel. Wife of Yitzhak, daughter of Betuel, and sister of Lavan. Her story appears in the book of Bereshit (Genesis). In his older years, Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Yitzhak. The name of the servant is not mentioned but is said to be Eliezer. When Rivka shows generosity towards the servant, she is chosen by him to come back and marry Yitzhak.

Leah - One of the four mothers. Her story also appears in the book of Bereshit. The meaning of the name Leah is not entirely understood, but some claim it is from an ancients language, and meaning "cow" (similar to the name Rachel which comes from a word meaning "sheep"). Leah is the mother of six out of the twelve sons of Jacob: Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Isaschar and Zvulun, and also of Jacob's daughter Dina. These are the names of most of the Israeli tribes, and certainly the most important amongst them. Leah is the first woman in the bible to choose her children's names herself. Jacob, her husband, loved Rachel, her sister, more than her.

Zilpa - Zilpa was the servant of Leah and Jacob's fourth wife. When Jacob married Leah, Lavan (Leah's father) gave Zilpa to Leah as a servant. When Leah could not bare children temporarily, she gave Zilpa to Jacob as a wife, and Zilpa gave birth to Gad and Asher (two of the Israeli tribes). These sons are considered sons of Leah, as was the custom in biblical times.

Athalia - Queen of Yehuda in years 842 until 836 B.C.

Na'ama - Daughter of Lemech, mentioned in the book of Bereshit (Genesis). According to some she was the wife of Noah, builder of the arc. The literal meaning of here name is - pleasant one.

Abigail (Avigail) - Wife of king David. A woman of beauty and intelligence. one of the four most beautiful women in the world (according to the Gmara). The literal meaning of her name is - My father is joy.

About the author

Tali Saar is a contributing writer for Baby names meanings

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Brave Baby Names

The baby names which means brave have always been a popular of choice. In ancient times, ancient civilizations fight for control over piece of land. Historically, Empires take turn to control over piece of land.

Each language has words that mean brave. It serves as a unique baby names in a different country. For example, Richard which means brave ruler is a combination of Ric and Hard German words. Ric is a German word which means power, rule, and leader. Hard is another German word which means brave, hardy, and strong.

Another example, Bald means brave in old English. Archibald (genuine, bold, and brave), Balder (courageous army), Baldric (brave ruler), Baldwin (brave friend), and Ballard (brave and strong) are a few variations.

In the old days, the people have very little choice as an occupation. For example, the hunters, warriors, rulers, fighters, soldiers, and guards are some of the choices. The businesses and industries are still at the early stages.

The attributes of the hunters are good source of brave baby names. At the start of mankind, the humans can only be a hunter or farmer. The hunters will brave the predators like lions, tigers, crocodiles, wolves, and bears to hunt for food. For example of brave baby names, hunter means hunter in English, Atalanta means mighty huntress in Greek, and Grovesnor means great hunter in French.

The great predators in the animal kingdom are admired for its braveness. We used the attributes as baby name. For example, Barnard, Bernard, and Bernhard which are a German baby names means brave as bear.

The guard, fighter, warrior, and soldier will go harms way to protect the king, ruler, or emperor. So, the guard, fighter, warrior, and soldier attributes are highly regarded as brave baby names. For example, Dustin who is from old German and English means brave warrior. Another example, Kenward means brave royal guardian, and Kenway means brave royal fighter.

In many occasions, the counselor and ruler have to handle controversial decisions. So, the counselor and ruler are admired for bravery. And, they quickly became the source for baby names. For example of ruler baby names, Modred means brave counselor, and Conrad means brave ruler.

The weapons became a great source for baby names as well. For example, Kenelm means brave helmet, Garrard means spear hard, and Gerard means spear brave.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, arabic baby names, and the namesake website.

Baby Name Meaning

Baby Name Meaning. Judging by the vast number of baby name websites, people take the subject of naming their baby very seriously, which is as it should be. After all, their name stays with them their whole life usually, so best get it right!

The problem is, if you choose your baby name according to the meaning given in a typical 'list of baby name meanings' or in a baby name book, you are not given the personality traits of that name, just a very brief general description, sometimes this can be just one word. For instance, look up the meaning of the name Emma, and you will be told this name means 'all-containing' and 'universal'. Look up the name Paul in these lists and most come back with the meaning 'small' or 'little'. Ok! You are none the wiser about your child-to-be based on that! My opinion is that the lists provide invaluable inspiration by giving you a wide choice of names, but that is all.

However there is a scientific system that used to be used in ancient Egyptian times and in Hebrew countries, for the naming of the Royal Children. This system ensured that they would be given positive names that would help them have a well-balanced life. This ancient system reveals the full personality traits of any name and also looks at the meaning of the individual letters of a name. According to this system, the letters in our name affect what happens to us in our lives, for better or worse, according to whether a letter is positive or negative.

With this system of Name Analysis you would learn that the name Paul indicates a love of justice, someone who will fight other people's battles. It also indicates relationship problems, and suggests a person with too much nervous energy. These are just a few of the many qualities indicated with the name Paul, to give you an idea about how names affect our personality.

The letter P in Paul indicates 7 years of power and success at various ages (these can be exactly pinpointed in an analysis reading) with the possibility of ruin and bankruptcy also with this letter if they are not careful with their finances. The letter U brings 3 years of emotional and/or financial losses every 11 years.

The letter E in Emma brings 5 years of extremes at certain ages, and the M's bring change, sometimes very sudden change.

Look up the name Harry on most lists and it will give the meaning as 'home ruler' or something similar. How does that help you decide if that is the right name for your baby?! According to the ancient system of name analysis, the name Harry totals a positive number that gives leadership ability, excellent communication skills, strength of character and determination. Ideal careers include the armed forces, which is interesting when you look at Prince Harry's current career path, in the army. (This is just a small selection of the traits of that name). Even more interesting is the fact that the name William totals the same number...

However, the letters in the name Harry are a bit of a mixture of negative and positive. The H brings 8 years of stress and strain at various ages (initially from birth up to the age of 8), the 2 R's indicate 18 years of being very busy, active, rushing around a lot (initially from the age of 9 till 27) and the Y indicates 7 years of success at various times, initially at the age of 27 to 34. So, if you are thinking about the name Harry for your baby, it is important that your surname has positive letters to counteract the negative letters in Harry.

So, as you can see, there is a lot more to baby name meanings than most people are aware of! The name you give your little one will have a massive impact - it will affect not only their personality but also it will determine the events in your child's life.

about the author

I am a professional Name Analyst and do readings by email and post worldwide.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Easy Guidelines For Naming Baby

The name you give to your baby will undoubtedly stick with him or her for the rest of their life. Therefore, the decision is not something to be taken lightly. On the other hand, naming your child should be a pleasant and enjoyable experience. Fortunately, there are a few guidelines you can follow that will make the process easier. Keeping these things in mind will insure that the name you pick for your new baby is as wonderful as she is!


· The name you choose should sound balanced with your last name. The full name should have a pleasant rhythm and be melodious. Generally speaking, first and last names that have unequal numbers of syllables sound the best together.

· Longer surnames tend to suit shorter given names and visa versa. For example, a short last name such as "Jones" goes well with a longer first name such as "Alexandria". On the other hand, a longer, more elaborate last name goes perfectly with a short and simple first name. "Anne Litchensteinson" rolls off the tongue easier than "Anastasia Litchensteinson"!

· First names that end in vowels don't generally sound good with last names that also start or end with a vowel. For example, Amanda Alda has too many "a" sounds and is just plain hard to say!

· First and last names that rhyme are not a good idea. Jason Mason not only sounds strange, but it can be a source of all kinds of playground jokes.


· The name you pick should have a special meaning or significance for you. It should convey positive feelings and bring pleasing thoughts to your mind.

· Consider names that are important to you because they are from family members, other world figures you love or respect, or from your ethnic background and heritage.

· Many names can be particularly suited to your child, and because of this they have extra meaning to you and to your child later in life. For example, "Noel", for a child born on Christmas day.

· Don't forget that your child's middle name also lends itself to being something very special and meaningful for you. Many people use this name instead of the given name to carry on family traditions or attach a significant meaning to their baby's name.

Ancestry and Heritage:

· A name choice can reflect your heritage and culture, and therefore be even more meaningful to you. If your ancestry is of a specific ethnicity, consider a name from that country.

· You may follow a religion that makes certain names particularly appealing. Those of the Roman Catholic faith often pick Saints' names. Jewish parents often choose names from the Old Testament. Many Protestants name their children from both the Old and New Testament.


· One of the most difficult decisions for a parent to make is whether they want a very unique name for their child, or one that is more "popular", and as such, more common. Making this decision first will help you limit the many name choices that are out there.

· Consider that with a very trendy or popular name, your child is likely to have several other children with the same name in their class at school. Remember the Kathy 1, Kathy 2, Kathy 3, and Kathy 4 that might have been in your classroom? (Or was it Jessica G., Jessica S., Jessica P., and Jessica M.?) This can leave your child struggling for individuality, but at least their name will be well accepted by the group.

· Very unique names can make your child feel distinctive. However, if it's too unique and sounds very odd to their classmates, they might be in for some teasing because of it. Be careful about being too creative.

· Also be careful of pronunciations and spelling. If the name you choose is very difficult to spell, your child will constantly need to correct people and this can become tiring after a while. On the other hand, slight variations in spelling can be a good way of making a common name more unique, and making your child feel special.

· Inventing a name can be fun and insure that your child has a very distinctive name. However, be aware that they may become embarrassed or grow tired of explaining their name to others time and again.


· Make sure that the name you pick will be appropriate for your child during all the stages of their life. Think about them using that name on their first day of school, at the time of their first interview, while saying their wedding vows, or accepting retirement gifts, etc...

· If you choose a very trendy name, try to determine if that name will stand the test of time. Or, will your child be saddled with a name that was popular at one time but seems very dated by the time they're 45! Remember Bambi?

· Consider that same gender names can be difficult for a child because they must continually explain their gender. This is usually more difficult for boys who have a name that could cause them to be mistaken for a girl.

· It's important to think carefully before giving a child a name the carries a lot of positive or negative connotations. This may prove too difficult for them to live up to or to live down! For example: Tiger or Adolph.

· Juniors can also have a lot to live up to and it can be difficult having 2 people with the same name in one household. Consider if naming your baby the same given name as another family member is appropriate.

Nicknames and Initials:

· When you've finally chosen a name for your baby, make sure that the combination of initials of their complete name doesn't create something that is potentially embarrassing. For example, "Amanda Sara Stevens" can have some pretty rotten consequences. However, you can get some satisfaction out of the fact that experts feel that teasing based on names and nicknames is less common these days. (Our children seem to be getting more sophisticated in their choice of things to tease about!)

· Also consider any nicknames that your child is likely to get from the name you give them. Do you like the possibilities? You may be determined that your "Jonathon" will remain a "Jonathon", however you can't avoid the fact that some of his friends, or even himself, might prefer Jon or Jonny some day.

· If you prefer the sound of a nickname, think about registering your child's name as the full and formal version anyways. This gives your child a chance to use that name in the future. For instance, you may want to call your baby "Kate", but if you register her name as "Katherine" she will have options later in life.

Above all--enjoy choosing your baby's name. And if it doesn't follow some of these rules, don't worry. The only really important rule for this process is that you and your partner both love the name you've picked!

About the author

Kathy Silver has spent the past 5 years researching and developing websites. Kathy has always had an abiding interest in the name choosing process. If you need help finding the Perfect Baby Name take a look at her new website: and try the Baby Names and Meanings Ultimate Search Tool

Monday, April 09, 2007

French Baby Names

To learn the French names, we need to understand the history and language of France. As you all know, France is one of the great ancient civilization. Now, France is united with one language.

French is another Romance Language which descended from Latin and Roman Empire. The language started from France, Switzerland, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Today, the language is spoken in forty one countries as a mother tongue or alternative language. That makes French the second most spoken language in the world.

Even though the language descended from Latin, French and Latin are much different from today. That is due to the Germanic Roman Frankish invasion. The German language has more influence than Latin language now.

The hyphenated French name is common practice to name a baby. For example, Paul-Henri, Jean-Claude, and Adrianne-Yvonne are popular. The names are treated as one. When you call Jean-Claude, you need to mention Jean and Claude.

Naming with hyphenated, they can use boy name and girl name, or vice versa. For example, Jean-Andrienee is name of a baby boy in which Jean is a male baby name and Andrienee is female baby name.

To turn a male baby names to female baby names, they simply add the letter e at the end. For example, Adrianne is a female version of Adrian, and Marcelle is a female version of Marcel.

At the beginning, the French only have one given name. At the 11th century, they started adding surnames. By the way, the word surname is from the French word "surnom". It means above or over name.

The surname can tell the name of father or mother. In the old days, they add the word "de" between the first name and last name. For example, Paul de Gaulle means Paul son of Gaulle. Today, it is understood with or without the word "de". For example, Paul Gaulle means the same as Paul de Gaulle.

The surname can tell about the occupation. For example, Paul Soldat means Paul the soldier, and Paul Boulanger means Paul the baker.

The surname can describe the person as whole. For example, Henri Petit means Henri the small, Henri Beau means Henri the handsome, and Yvonne Fute means Yvonne the smart.

The surname can tell specific location, town, villages, or city. For example, Veronique Marseille means Veronique from the town of Marseille, Veronique Abbeville means Veronique from the town of Abbeville, and Paul Leglise means Paul beside the church. French adds eau, elet, elin, elle, and elot at the end of the name to denote "little son of". For example, Henriette means little son of Henri, and Lancelot means little son of Lance. French also adds de, des, du, and le at the start of the name to denote "of".

The name is an important identification in the old days. In the old days, you need to ask the king for permission to change the name.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, baby names meaning, and hispanic baby names where you can find the stories, origin, and meaning of names and babies.

Sanskrit Baby Names

The Sanskrit baby names are fast becoming the favorite choice for many parents. It is probably due to the distinct romantic meaning, unique sound, and magical connotation of the baby names. Also, the Hindu religion and Yoga are increasing in popularity.

Sanskrit is an Indo-European language which is the basis for many languages in India. The language is one of the 23 official languages of India. Sanskrit can be seen in ancient literature which includes poetry, drama, religious texts, science, and philosophy. The hymns and mantras wildly use Sanskrit as well.

The yoga masters see the importance to teach yoga poses with the respective Sanskrit names. Teaching the language, they stir the curiosity, inspiration, and interest in yoga. For thousands of years, the Sanskrit was an oral language. It is evident in the spiritual chants and mantras of yoga.

The Sanskrit or Indian baby names convey nature, feelings, and love. For example, Muskan means smile, Khoobsoorat means beautiful, and Khushoo means beautiful smell.

The Hindu baby names have the tendency to be Sanskrit. For example, Krishna (black or dark), Ajit (Invincible), Shiva (benign, kind, or auspicious), and Indra (possessing drops of rain) are Hindu male baby names. Laksmi (sign or mark), and Sita (furrow) are Hindu female baby names.

Krishna, Shiva, and Indra are the names of Hindu gods. Krishna is a Hindu god who is incarnated from god Vishnu. And, Shiva who is the husband of the mother goddess of Parvati is the Hindu god of destruction and restoration. Finally, Indra is a Hindu warrior god of the sky and rain.

Laksmi and Sita are the names of Hindu goddesses. Laksmi is a Hindu goddess of prosperity, good luck, and beauty, while Sita is the Hindu goddess of harvests.

The Sikh baby names have the tendency lean to be Sanskrit too. The name is divided into first and second part. The first part contains har, bal, and man, while the second part contains inder, deep, and pal. For example, Harinder (Hindu god Hari and Hindu god Indra), and Mandeep (lamp of the mind) are Sikh baby names.

About the Author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, indian baby names, and baby names meaning website.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Indian Baby Names

Basically, the Indian baby names are based on religion and caste. There are wide variety of language and religion in India. As a matter of fact, most religion has a huge following in India like Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and Hindus.

Many Indians believes in birth name. Now, the birth name is totally different from the given or first name. Using horoscope, they can determine an auspicious number. The number is use to help find the best birth name. The given or first name is the official names. It is the name that is use to call someone. In a legal and official document, it is mandatory to use the given or first name.

The caste system is made popular thru Hinduism. The caste system tells the hereditary classes in Hindu society, social stratification, and prestige. The Indians from upper caste uses the village names, occupations, honorifics, title, and clan as the last name. The sub caste last names are the descriptions or characteristics of the sub caste.

Parts of the last name are the caste or sub caste. For example, Iyer, Iyengar, Gounder, Nair, Naidu, Reddy, Gouda, and Shetty are several last names with caste or sub caste. The caste can tell the occupation. For example, the Gandhi is a caste which sells perfumes. Mohandas Gandhi is from the caste of Gandhi. The concept is similar to Gardiner (takes care of the garden), and Sawyer (saws wood) in English baby names.

The Sikhs has adapted the Singh. It means lion. Most of the time, the Singh is use as a suffix for male. For example, Veejay Singh (golf master) and Dr Manmohan Singh (Prime Minister) uses the Singh. The female counterpart of Singh is Kaur which means princess or lioness. However, Singh is not a caste name. In Sikhs, there is no caste.

On the hand, the Hindus have caste. The castes on the last name are often Jain, Thakurs, and Rajputs.

The Kar on the name tells the origin of the baby name. For example, Gavaskar (town of Gavas), Tendulkar (town of Tendol), and Pawaskar (town of Pawas) tells the town of origin.

The Wala on the Indian baby names tells the type of profession or merchant. For example, Screwala holds the screw, and Cyclewala sells the cycle.

The social ranks on the Indian baby names are common practice as well. For example, Talukdar means the landholder, Tehsildar means the revenue administrative officer, and Tarafdar means the land manager.

In the past, the locals of South India use only first name which is village name, family name, or both. Rarely, you will see middle name, family name, or initials. In fact, the Telugu locals use the hometown or profession as the first name. However, the Tamil Nadu and Kerala locals use the first name of the father as the second name. For example, Ajith Krisma means Ajith son of Krisma. Suppose Ajith produce a son, the Indian baby name is Minesh Ajith. It means Minesh song of Ajith. The wife usually gets the name of the husband. For example, Jilana Krisma is the original name which means Jilana daughter of Krisma. She married Rajesh. The name of wife becomes Jilana Rajesh which means Jilana wife of Rajesh.

The initials on the last name are use for the same baby name. So, someone can tell the difference from another name. For example, Ajith Rajesh looks like R. Ajith, and Ajith Santhum looks like S. Ajith. The initials always start before the first name. For many westerners, they easily makes mistake on expanding the name. For example, S. Ajith may expand as Santhum Ajith. That is wrong, because Santhum becomes the first name.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, baby names meaning, and french baby names where you can find the stories, origin, and meaning of names and babies.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ancient Greek Baby Names

The Greek baby names reflect the values and culture of the society on the time of origin. The names relate to their language, religion, and political life. The Greek civilization is one of the oldest civilizations. So, they have long history and rich culture. Their history spans as far as 13th century BC. Their names appeared in ancient tombstone, vases, papyri, inscriptions, coins, gems, manuscripts, seals, and stamps.

In the past, their main purpose to name is to identify. The name validates your language, religion, ethnic origin, civic subdivision, and political life. Their name may include the given name, parents name, ethnic origin, and civic subdivision.

During the 13th century BC, their names are only one given name. This is absolutely true for female or male baby names. The given name is enough to identify themselves. Perhaps, the population is so less at the time. For example, Socrates, Alexander, Thais, and Homer are example of given names. Traditionally, the first born are given the name of the paternal grandfather. And for the second born, they are given the name of the paternal grandmother.

Then, the use of parents name comes into play. The parents name tells the family where you belong. The parents name improves the ability to legitimately identify a person. For example, Socrates son of Homer, or Alexander son of Adelphos legitimately identifies the person and family.

As they started to move from one place to another, the Greeks saw the need to tell the origin. A city may be divided into organization. In the name, the Greeks will include the organization. For example, Alexander son of Adelphos, Athens or Socrates son of Homer, of the deme Athens tells the family and organization of origin of an individual.

The name could be simple or compound. The simple names are made of a noun or adjective. For example, Cressida, Ophira, and Titian are baby names meaning gold. Another example, Zoilo, Zosima, Zosimo, and Zotico are baby names meaning lively.

The compound baby names are combination of nouns or adjectives. For example, Niko-Lysandra means victorious liberator. Another example, Nicodermus means victory of the people. It is a combination of Nicole and demes. Nicole means victory, while demes mean organization or people.

The religion, politics, and military have major influence in their names. For example, Angela, Angelo, Ares, Basha, Christopher, and Deo are names with religious influence. Another example, Kalonice, Nicholas, Nicole are military influenced baby names meaning victory.

After the death of Christ, the Romans started to rise in power. Roman Empire brought Christianity. Hence, the Christian names started to evolve on the Greek names. For example, John, Anna, and Maria started to show on their names. After the 4th century AD, the Christian names have greatly influenced the Greek names such as Eusebios, Eustathios, Euphemios, Eulogios, Eulampios and Kyrillos. About this time, the use of parent name and ethnic origin were largely dropped.

After the downfall of the Roman Empire, the biblical names further embolden on their names. There was a widespread use of surnames. The surnames tell the family of origin. However, the names retain the antiquity. The ancient baby names still exist in the society today. For example, Aristoteles, Sokrates, Xenophon, Demosthenes, and Miltiades are ancient baby names.

About the author

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, Personalized Baby Name Gifts, and Feng Shui Baby Names where you can find the stories, origin, and meaning of names and babies.